
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Progress Report

“Anna Arkadiévna lisait et comprenait sa lecture, mais elle était lasse de s’interesser à la vie des autres; elle brûlait de vivre elle-même”
-Anna Karenine (Leon Tolstoï 1877:137)

Moi aussi, bon sang!

"Anna Arkadyevna read and understood, but it was distasteful to her to read, that is, to follow the reflection of other people’s lives. She had too great a desire to live herself."
-Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy 1877:137)

Only nine days before I leave! I can't believe it. I've hardly done anything to prepare myself. Well, that's not entirely true. I have found a place to stay in Perugia: an apartment I will be sharing with four other girls. I have also gotten many appointments out of the way, and I am about 2/3 of the way through Anna Karenina. As for the 10lb, I realize that two weeks was a little over-optimistic. However, I have made some progress, and I expect to have even better luck in Italy (doesn't every traveler gain weight in Italy... I know I did last time!)

So, looking at the goals I set for myself in my first post, I am not doing so badly. Besides, like Anna Karenina, I am burning to live my own adventures, no longer content with the ones I live through the pages of books. I am restless of my home, of my routines; I am ready for a change.


Une Fée said...

Thank you for the comment. Your blog is equally fabulous! I love your outfits!

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