
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Una Settimana

At this time next week, I will be on my way to Italy! Although this will be my fourth time abroad on my own, I can't help but to stuff my head giddily with naive expectations. I have very romantic ideas when it comes to traveling, and experience doesn't seem to have abated them one bit. In fact, they've only increased, since every trip has left me with memories I treasure–memories I reminisce about like golden ages of adventure and emancipation.

However, like on my first backpacking journey through Europe, I will have to be very frugal and resist the urge to come home with a new wardrobe, and perhaps a few shelffuls of books. The plan so far is to spend four days in Naples, exploring Campania, and three in Rome. Then I have about a week to do however I please (with a tight budget, that is) before I settle down in Perugia for a month to take an Italian course. My classes begin June 1st (which also happens to be my birthday) and end on the 24th.

After that, I set sail and see where the wind takes me, or, most probably, I admit financial defeat and return home to work for the rest of the summer, to earn enough dough to get me through a third year of university.

Pictures were taken in Rome during my first backpacking trip to Europe, in 2008.


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